An anthology audio series of genre-bending tales steeped in mystery, suspense, and horror. Each season presents a new story, unraveling folkloric sagas grounded in reality where would-be history meets elements of the supernatural, the astonishing, or the uncanny. Transporting listeners into wonderous and dark sectors of space and time, whether in search of the sinister things that go bump in the night, uncovering secrets of the decaying unknown, or gazing into the striking depths and torments of the human condition. The paths explored will conjure powerful, remarkable, and lasting images that will stick with you –


SEASON 1: Killer in the wind

A clever, grounded throwback to classic monster movies…

After a near-fatal shooting, a third-generation sheriff, who never took his job seriously before, must piece his shattered confidence back together and learn how to be a real cop in order to hunt down a mysterious figure terrorizing a small farming community with a series of toxic gas attacks.

*Headphones are strongly suggested for the best audio experience.

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An electrifying bent on a quintessential cautionary tale

Years after surviving a brutal attack, a lonely, unassuming woman once again draws the attention of an opportunistic killer. But he soon discovers hell hath no fury like a woman with a horrifying secret.
